The Glycocalyx as a “Physiological Organ”

By Donald McGee, MD, Ph.D | Chief Medical Officer
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. included William Harvey in a list of “The Ten Most Influential People of the Second Millennium” in the World Almanac & Book of Facts.
What can we learn from Dr. Harvey? Harvey described MACROcirculation in the human body based on evidence and observation. Arguably, he founded Discipline Inquiry in Medicine (Evidenced-based) but opposed by the Sick Care Industrial Complex of the day: Bloodletters and Physicians practicing ” The Four Humors.” Boy, was he attacked, and bloodletting continued in England up to 1830!
Today we have an emerging science based on MICROvascular science and the recent discovery of what I call a “physiological organ”: the Endothelial Glycocalyx or Glycocalyx for short, which evidence shows regulates many blood vascular functions and whose degradation might result in many different conditions with this common root cause.
Unlike cellular organs, a HEALTHY Glycocalyx “organ” consists of a secreted gel two times the body’s microvascular blood volume (2 liters of Glycocalyx for 1 liter of microvascular blood) and many times thicker than the endothelial cell membrane, which emits it. Harvey would say, “Must have a purpose!”
The Glycocalyx science supports Health and Wellness strategies, especially micronutrition, on at a level so deep– with more potential impact– than strategies like pharmaceuticals: you know, Sick Care Industrial Complex stuff.
I am a sick care doctor (Emergency Medicine) for most of my career. Still, we need comprehensive care, including integrating this new Wellness Science that has the potential to reduce or even eliminate many current, expensive, and risky sick care therapies. The Mechanism of action is the natural restoration of microcirculation to all organs, including the brain (vascular dementia), renals, heart, etc. while reducing Insulin Resistance (T2DM), lowering LDL, and a more substantial barrier to inflammation and microorganisms like COVID 19.
I suggest that many of the conditions listed on this website have this complex micronutrition disorder as a root cause, or a major contributing cause, and needs attention from consumers, physicians, and researchers.
I call this need a “critical mass.” Thoughts? Questions? Ideas? You can reach me by completing the Information Request form.