Current Ongoing Studies Using GlycoCheck and Endocalyx Pro

The Crucial Consortium brings together 12 partners from multiple fields (clinicians, fundamental scientists, scientific SMEs, exploitation and dissemination SME, management SME, and a patient advocacy), representing 7 different countries.

The Crucial Consortium aims to address a difficult problem regarding how co-morbidities give rise both to mental disorders and non-mental disorders. In order to achieve this, they have assembled a consortium that has a balanced mix of skills on several levels.

It consists of fundamental scientists and clinicians. It consists of specialists in neuroscience (UM, Scannexus) and in cardiovascular science (UCL, UNAV, FIMA, GlycoCheck, KU Leuven, VIB).

The clinical scientists are strong leaders in the field of MRI (UCL, UM, UNAV, Scannexus), whereas the fundamental partners have strong skills in molecular biology and genetics that will allow them to develop new biomarkers and identify new pathways for pharmaceutical targeting (FIMA, KU Leuven, VIB). Beyond bridging fundamental research and clinical applications, the project also combines several state-of-the-art technical approaches to answer the research objective. This includes cell signalling, (single cell) RNA-Seq, metabolic assessments, microvesicle’s biomarker identification, GlycoCheck measurements, and advanced imaging (MRI, 2-photon and light sheet microscopy). Read more here.

The Crucial Consortium has announced that they are launching a new study titled “Evaluation of miCRovascular rarefaction in vascUlar Cognitive Impairment and heArt faiLure (CRUCIAL): Study protocol for an observational study.” The abstract can be viewed by clicking the name of the study.


Healthy Aging is a Euregional project within the Interreg Euregio Maas-Rhine program . The partners (BIOMED is the lead partner) within this consortium ( BIOMED , MUMC + , GIGA Liège , UKA , Curador , MyHealth , Imomec , GlycoCheck , Astel Medica and DNAmito) use their expertise and knowledge to the maximum to detect premature aging of the immune system and to slow down aging and related chronic conditions. This consortium wants to develop cross-border knowledge platforms within the EMR for sharing and disseminating knowledge. Most of the activities in this project have a very specific medical-scientific focus. The partners of this project aim to innovate and validate the knowledge collected in the context of these activities. The results of this project should lead to lower healthcare costs. This project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union which, through cross-border projects, provides innovation, stimulates a healthy environment and the labor market. More information can be foundhere.INTERREG Program and financing partners include: