GlycoCheck™ Related Research:
Pregnancy / Neonatal Care
Perfused boundary region as biomarker for endothelial integrity in former preterms in adolescence.
Van Loo L, Allegaert K, Levtchenko E, Zhang Z, Staessen JA, Raaijmakers A.Pediatr Res. 2023 Jun;93(7):1936-1942.
Effect of gestational age and postnatal age on the endothelial glycocalyx in neonates.vascular events.
Puchwein-Schwepcke A, Artmann S, Rajwich L, Genzel-Boroviczény O, Nussbaum C.Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 4;11(1):3133.
The Endothelial Glycocalyx: Physiology and Pathology in Neonates, Infants and Children.
Puchwein-Schwepcke A, Genzel-Boroviczény O, Nussbaum C.Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Sep 1;9:733557.
Early Onset Preeclampsia Is Associated With Glycocalyx Degradation and Reduced Microvascular Perfusion.
Weissgerber TL, Garcia-Valencia O, Milic NM, Codsi E, Cubro H, Nath MC, White WM, Nath KA, Garovic VD.J Am Heart Assoc. 2019 Feb 19;8(4):e010647.
Perturbation of the microvascular glycocalyx and perfusion in infants after cardiopulmonary bypass.
Nussbaum C, Haberer A, Tiefenthaller A, Januszewska K, Chappell D, Brettner F, Mayer P, Dalla Pozza R, Genzel-Boroviczény O.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Dec;150(6):1474-81.e1.